Its called Throw Out Fifty Things by Gail Blanke. It is such a fast, easy read that inspires you to not only clean out your home, and office, but your life in general and focus on who you really are and what you really want.

The subtitle is: Clear the Clutter, Find your Life and that's exactly what the author inspires you to do.
The first part is very straight forward... it talks about "fueling the urge to purge" and the "Rules of Disengagement"... here they are:
1. If it weighs you down, clogs you up, or just plain makes you feel bad about yourself, throw it out, give it away, sell it. Let it go and move on.
2. If it just sits there, taking up room and contributing nothing positive to your life, throw it out. If you're not moving forward you're moving backward. Throwing out what's negative helps you rediscover what's positive.
3. Don't make the decision - whether to keep it or toss it - a hard one. If you have to weigh the pros and cons too long or agonize over the right thing to do, throw it out.
4. Don't be afraid. This is your life we're talking about. The only one you've got for sure. You don't have the time, energy, or room for physical and psychic waste.
Aren't those awesome! Clear-cut, to-the-point kind of rules. No more, "Well, I might use it someday... or so and so gave it to me..." If it doesn't meet one of those rules, it's gone. She does remind you later that if it does make you happy, just to have it, even if it's not useful or practical it's okay to keep something. But only if it's a positive feeling.
I am thinking this week I will post daily about this book because I love it so much and I totally recommend buying it. I got my copy from the library, but even after finishing it, I want to go buy my own copy to have and refer to whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by all the "stuff" - It also has some great references in the back for recycling, selling and organizing supplies.
Oh, and she has a great website with a downloadable workbook that is pretty much the gist of the book if you're not willing to pony up the dough. It will get you moving, but I recommend buying the book because of all the great anecdotes she shares of her own letting go and those she coaches... they really hit every key point and you feel like she really relates to your purging hang-ups.