Luckily it worked out on that same weekend for their neighbors across the street so I got to meet this awesome family who had me photograph their adorable little girl, Allison.
This year, they had a new addition to their family, Anna, and she's such a good little baby. They wrote me to see if I'd be willing to come out again to capture some new memories for their wall, which I was more than happy to do and they also had me take pictures for another family member, her sister-in-law. So I got to take pictures of her two cute little boys that same day!
Turns out, I got to take pictures of the original family I used to photograph and another new neighbor as well! So I took pictures of four families that day! I'll be posting pics for the other two families soon. Thanks so much for being such great customers! I didn't mind the drive when I get the privilege of working for such wonderful people!

You did it again Rebecca! I absolutely love the family pics you took out here in the wild, wild west! Thank you for coming all the way out here to do them. We wouldn't want anyone else but you!