I suppose some of you are wondering if I'm still working during all this construction. Since that's all I seem to be posting lately. Well the answer is yes, yes, yes! :)
I've been busy and it's been hard to keep up with the construction updates, but those are getting a little boring lately so I'm going to share with you some of my favorite sessions from the last two weeks.
There have been lots of seniors since this is the prime time to take those graduation pics before school starts and schedules fill up!
I'd like to share Ella's...
She's a sweetheart. A definite beauty. She was a lot of fun to take pictures of.

Then there's Isaac and Matt. These boys are definitely your low-key kind of guys. They only wanted to do a couple outfits, "Come-on mom! Let's get this over with!" kind of guys. :) Gotta love 'em! I'm sure my boy, Collin, will be the same way.

And then there was Alec. He was definitely the kind of guy I can have more fun with. I could tell he really wanted his senior pictures to look good. I hope you love them, Alec!

Besides the seniors, I've been doing some families and babies. Here's a favorite baby of mine. Brooklyn is the newest member from one of my favorite customer's family. What a doll! I love her dark brown eyes and hair!

Oh, and I wanted to share Sophie with you too! I couldn't post hers right after the session because it was a surprise for Father's Day.... so here she is! This is the second time I've had the honor of photographing this cutie pie! I can't wait for the six month session!