Well, when it rains, it pours! When it comes to the progress on the studio it seems!
The guys worked on it yesterday all day and a little the afternoon before that and they've got a lot done. They got the crown moulding up around the divider wall and the dressing room, they put trim around the window and they have 3/4 of the floor laid! That made the biggest difference of all!

I LOVE MY FLOOR! It's got this awesome distressed, dark hardwood floor look - and it's vinyl! Craziness! I guess that's why they call it "Luxury vinyl" :) If you're thinking about re-doing a floor, I totally recommend it. Here's the website: http://www.mannington.com/residential/adura/style.aspx?type=('15','16')&style_id=Ashford%20Walnut&sel_colorway_code=ALP060 and they sell it at Northland Custom Interiors in Northwood and R&R Flooring in Alden. Both of these stores are run by great clients of mine - so I highly recommend their work too!

What's left to do??? Well, the lumberyard delivered the interior doors, so they're set to go in once the floor gets done.

And I gave my amazing cabinet guru, Tom Copranos at Northwoods Cabinetry the go-ahead on my dressing and storage room cabinets so they will hopefully get going on those in the next week or two.

Then it's just the rest of the trim and the ceiling.
AHHH, the ceiling! I'm really excited about that! I will be installing that on Friday or Saturday hopefully... that's when it's supposed to arrive via FedEx. That will TOTALLY transform the space.
Oh, yeah... almost forgot - I got my signs! A BIG one for the front of the studio and a small one for the driveway. Those I had done at D&D Sales down in Mason City and got a great deal on those too. Nothing too fancy... but better than nothing! Which is what I've had for the last six years! LOL!

Can't wait to share more with you, but that's all for now... Check back soon!