I have known Christma for just a few months now, thanks to her wonderful cooking! That's right, you can get wonderful, oven-ready homemade meals from her. Once a month, she will deliver them (Albert Lea) or arrange a meeting to pick them up. I love the way this has taken so much stress out of my life. I don't have to worry as much about grocery shopping or what to make for supper, or clean up a mess from preparing the meal.
You can get all the details and this month's menu (which is sure to get your mouth watering!) by calling 507-377-250 or emailing tclange@wildblue.net
Now, if only I could find someone to clean my house for me... I would be stress free! ;) And maybe a neighbor kid that was always available and loved watching Collin. LOL!
Okay, okay, back to the topic at hand. Their family portrait session.
So, the first time Christma delivered my meals to my home, I asked if she'd like to see my studio and that's when I think she fell in love! :) I was so happy when a month or two later she was asking about booking a session and family clothing recommendations.
We decided to do all dark, solids clothing because she loves my black and white images and wanted their faces to really be the focal point of the portraits. Aren't her kid's pictures gorgeous!? They are so much more intimate than the cheesy school portraits.