Good evening everyone! I'm working late tonight. Just finished a big family session and the guys are hanging with grams and gramps so I'm alone catching up on more work.
I just wanted to share a few images from a session a little while back. This little cutie's mommy knew me a looong time! :) Yeah, I'm THAT old!
I was good friends with her in high school and had since went our separate ways, not keeping in touch until I delved into the world of facebook and TA DA! Instant connectivity to old friends and new acquaintances. I really enjoy FB no matter how much my husband makes fun of it!
So I've gotten a little caught up on Kelly and her daughter, but I was thrilled a couple months ago when she messaged me saying she'd like to do a session the next time she came down to visit her parents. I guess she had seen enough of my posts to convince her she needed her own work of art!
I hope you enjoy looking at a few of these images. Kelly has already seen the whole gallery (just today) and had to email me, facebook message me, and text me to let me know who much she loved them! I LOOOOVED that!
P.S. I have to apologize for making Kelly's mom cry when she first saw them! But they were very good tears. I really know I hit the mark when that happens. :)