Well, I finally got to see Carin and Kya! After having to reschedule on Thursday due to the nasty ice/sleet/snow that we had.
Three month old pictures tend to be a challenge since they are at that age where the baby is very aware of it's surroundings and they don't like to be "messed with" too much... if you know what I mean. Changing clothes, positioning changes, changes in their environment are usually not welcomed very warmly.
And I can totally sympathize with that. So we try to take things pretty slow and easy with lots of time for diaper changes, feedings, and cuddles. I also try to schedule the session at the baby's "best" time of day... but alas, the three month age is a time of transition and it's really hard to pinpoint that "best" time of day. So it's pretty much a guessing game most of the time. :)
I can totally relate since my son was about this age last year... you start to think you know when their eating times are so you schedule something like a Dr's appointment or a haircut or whatever and then that's the day that they suddenly decide they want to eat every 2 hours because they decided they wanted to go through a growth spurt! :)
Ahh, the joys of raising a child! It only gets better I hear! LOL!
So, now to the good part - the images. I'm thinking Carin will be pleasantly surprised with some of the amazing images we got even though Kya was being a bit on the fussy side for us and not showering us with all the smiles we know she holds inside.